The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary)

The Zionist Story, an independent film by Ronen Berelovich, is the story of ethnic cleansing, colonialism and apartheid to produce a demographically Jewish State.

Ronen successfully combines archival footage with commentary from himself and others such as Ilan Pappe, Terry Boullata, Alan Hart and Jeff Halper.

“I have recently finished an independent documentary, The Zionist Story, in which I aim to present not just the history of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, but also the core reason for it: the Zionist ideology, its goals (past and present) and its firm grip not only on Israeli society, but also, increasingly, on the perception of Middle East issues in Western democracies.

These concepts have already been demonstrated in the excellent ‘Occupation 101′ documentary made by Abdallah Omeish and Sufyan Omeish, but in my documentary I approach the subject from the perspective of an Israeli, ex-reserve soldier and someone who has spent his entire life in the shadow of Zionism.

I hope you can find a moment to watch The Zionist Story and, if you like it, please feel free to share it with others. (As both the documentary and the archived footage used are for educational purposes only, the film can be freely distributed).

I have made this documentary entirely by myself, with virtually no budget, although doing my best to achieve high professional standard, and I hope that this ‘home-spun’ production will be of interest to viewers.” – Ronen Berelovich.

Links: PULSE, Australians For Palestine.

Re-Uploaded from Dobronironechka‘s Channel.

Watch on blip tv.

Related Videos:

Israeli Myths & Propaganda: Youtube, blip tv.

Occupation 101: Vimeo.

Imperial Geography: Youtube, blip tv.

Memory of the Cactus: Youtube, blip tv.

Canada “Park” in Palestine: Youtube.

The History of Palestine: Youtube.

Palestine 1896: Youtube, blip tv.

1936 Warning of a British and Zionist Colonization of Palestine: Youtube, blip tv.

Note 1: This is an improved copy of the documentary, due to synchronization issues with the first copy.

Note 2: I made this documentary available on this channel for educational and non-commercial use only and as the creator of the documentary mentioned please feel free to share it with others.

13 thoughts on “The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary)

  1. Pingback: The Zionist Story (Full Documentary) | Social Contexts

  2. Pingback: The Zionist Story. | Conspiracy Thesis

  3. Tough to watch, you must have stomach for digesting this scale of injustice especially if you are an American, but “must see” documentary – THANKS Ronen !

  4. Pingback: The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary) :: Brave New Video

  5. have just watched the film and that in itself is enough for me to want to take issue with norman finkelstein. Not, in essence because of his criticisms of the bds movement, but rather because of his “realist” approach that argues that the best way forward for palestinians is to recognise israel and negotiate a two state solution on the basis of the pre-67 borders.

    your film shows in no uncertain that norman finkelstein’s “soft zionist” two state solution is anything but realistic and that it is indeed a chimera for, if we are to be realistic, where exactly is that palestinian state going to be?

  6. I am viewing this in bites, so as to better digest the the full implications – the many contributors (dead and alive) to the current violence in Palestine. Although I am 67 yrs old, my knowledge of much of the history of this region is spotty and, unfortunately, has been mostly what Western governments, primarily the US, have wanted the citizenry to know and nothing more. My readings on this subject have broadened considerably in the past year and continue daily. So far this film is extremely well done both in the archival footage and interviews.

  7. Pingback: ZIONIST STORY | The Poison Apple of the World

  8. Pingback: EXPOSING ZIONISM | The Poison Apple of the World

  9. Pingback: The Zionist Story — Full Documentary | 2012: What's the 'real' truth?

  10. An excellent documentary. I will share with my friends. The British should be helping in the Peace process. The least they should do is support the UN resolutions that US & Israel ignore.

  11. Pingback: Al-Nakba - Palestine Rising

  12. Pingback: The Zionist Story. (Full Documentary) - إتفرج

  13. Pingback: EXPOSING ZIONISM - illegalisraeltimeisup

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