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Call for Support

The One Democratic State Group -Gaza

The One Democratic State Group is committed to the struggle for Palestinian rights. These rights will never be realized outside the framework of a unitary state with equality for all its citizens. For too long this aim has been a vision. It is time to make it happen, and the ODSG is at the forefront of that effort. They deserve our full support.

~ Ghada Karmi

In this time of despair and ever-growing violence that threatens to destroy the Palestinian people, it is most refreshing to hear about a humanist and genuine initiative to find a just solution for the Palestine question. It is most amazing that it grew on the killing fields of Gaza, which bore the brunt of the Israeli criminal policies.  It carries with it a hope that despite the various Nakbas the Palestinian people have gone through, there is still a valid possibility for Jews and Palestinians to share the land on the basis of equal and human rights. This is the only way forward and it is in particular the people of Gaza who can show us the way forward.

~ Ilan Papp

At a moment when ever more people are recognizing the futility at again attempting to partition Palestine/Israel, and the failure of the ‘two-state solution,’ there is an urgent need for a new vision to bring about decolonization, equality and justice. The One Democratic State Group is at the forefront of thinking, advocacy and action to bring about such a new vision from within Palestine. Their important and courageous work inspires real hope and deserves all our support.”

~ Ali Abunimah

The ODSG, One Democratic State Group, is a Palestinian non-violent popular resistance group based in Gaza. We are Palestinian activists, from various backgrounds, who have come together to further peace with justice in the Middle East. We believe that the One State Solution is the only viable option that guarantees comprehensive peace in the Middle East. We believe that justice and peace can be achieved in the context of a single Democratic State that would include and benefit equally all current residents of historic Palestine–after the return of Palestinian refugees–irrespective of race, ethnicity or religion. We pledge to work actively towards this end.

We are also active in the Palestine-initiated campaign of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel. These measures, similar to those applied to South Africa during the apartheid era, are necessary to bring an end to Israel’s genocidal policies towards Palestinians both within Israel and throughout the Occupied Territories. We believe that these non-violent measures should be maintained until Apartheid Israel recognizes the Palestinian people’s inalienable right to self-determination and the establishment of a democratic state on Mandatory Palestine; a state for all of its citizens.

As we are not an NGO, all our funding comes from our own pockets. As our movement is now rapidly growing it is becoming more difficult to financially sustain our projects and hire greatly needed staff. Due to lack of funds we have been forced to freeze some of our projects.

Our current projects include the following:

1. Organizing for the Gaza Freedom March (31 December 2009). We are represented on the March Steering Committee.

2. Collecting video testimonies of refugees who survived the 1948 Nakba for an oral history project that will be posted at Palestine Remembered.

3. Working on the “Right to Read” Campaign in partnership with solidarity groups. Challenging the siege by getting books for Gaza university students.

4. Producing a documentary, Forbidden Dreams, and copying thousands of a Palestinian-South African CD, Amandla Intifada.

5. The  promotion of the one state solution and the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israeli military occupation, colonization and Apartheid by:

  • Networking to strengthen connections among people and groups in Gaza and with solidarity activists around the world.
  • Running BDS workshops across the Gaza Strip
  • Organizing video conferences with activists, intellectuals and students based in the Arab World, Canada, Europe, South Africa, and the US.
  • Conducting media advocacy and writing articles in Arabic and English. In order to keep ODSG productively running, we are in need of your generous support and donations.

We invite you to visit our website, and join us in our work to in an act of people to people solidarity, and anti-apartheid activism for peace with justice.

You can make a donation via paypal through our website. If you are in the United States and would like to make a tax-deductible donation, contact us at

Through your help we will be able to make our vision a reality and thereby ensure that our children and grandchildren may live together in more just and equal world.

The One Democratic State Group Gaza, Palestine


Dear Global Research Readers:

As the end of 2009 rapidly approaches, we are reminded of all the changes that have taken place in the past year:

-We see the world’s most powerful president and commander in chief receiving the highest acknowledgment for contribution to Peace, and yet we see the global war theatre actively crippling entire nations, with no end in sight.

-We see a shattered global economy where families are losing homes, jobs and security in unprecedented numbers, and yet banks and multi-nationals are celebrating their financial victories.

-We see the collapse of health services due to lack of funds, yet we are manipulated by big Pharma into supporting a reckless, money-driven vaccination campaign that targets profit over well-being.

And what does the future hold?

To say that the public has become disillusioned and wary of the constant doomsday media reports and news coverage is a gross understatement; people see their world changing and they want to understand what is happening, and why. They want to be informed and therefore be prepared.

In response, Global Research has continued to deliver vital and timely information, and we are grateful for the input of our editors, contributors, staff and volunteers in helping to carry out this task. Our reader feedback has been an invaluable source of encouragement, motivation and growth.

Nonetheless, curbing the tide of disinformation being pumped out by powerful and well-funded mainstream media is a considerable challenge. Global Research operates on a shoe-string budget and does not accept funding from outside sources, and is thus able to maintain its independence. However, we would not be able to do this without the financial contributions of our readers, and to continue our efforts we need your support.

If you turn to Global Research for analysis and understanding of the crucial issues that are shaping our world, please consider making a donation of your choice, or becoming a member.

1. To make a Donation to Global Research, click here

If you are in a position to make a larger donation, visit our Art for Peace page.

2. Please visit our Membership page for instructions on how you can become a Global Research Member

3. To donate by mail, kindly send your (personal) cheque or money order in US or Cnd dollars to the following address:

Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG)
PO Box 55019
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Note: For donations from the US, if you are sending a money order, it should be “International” payable outside the US

Thank you for supporting Global Research! Any amount, big or small, goes directly to funding our websites and projects.

Via: Global Research.


Support the Chronicle:

A Message from Franklin Lamb

“For the past decade, the Palestine Chronicle has consistently delivered to those of us who have come to rely on it, vital and objective information about Palestine, Israel, and the Middle East region. There is not, in my view, a better online journal or one that is more deserving of our gratitude and support during this historic watershed period. I urge all its readers to support Palestine Chronicle, as best they can, and keep it on the job doing its excellent work.”

— Franklin Lamb, The Sabra Shatila Foundation, Beirut and Washington, DC.

A Message from Noam Chomsky

The Palestine Chronicle has been an invaluable source of information and analysis about Palestine and related issues, drawing from a wide range of sources, including many that are otherwise inaccessible to the concerned public. An independent voice, it has been trustworthy and reliable. It is now entering its 10th year, and continues to be funded completely by readers. I hope that you will contribute to helping this unique publication to flourish.

— Noam Chomsky, professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is an honorary editorial board member of the Palestine Chronicle.

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